Sarah Fruetel, Traditional Chinese Medicine
The latest research has concluded that acupuncture is an effective treatment for plantar fasciitis.
Plantar fasciitis usually presents itself as pain on the bottom of the foot and heel. Sometimes excruciating pain that doesn’t seem to be fazed by any typical type of pain reliever.
In a controlled clinical investigation a group treated with acupuncture showed siginificant reduction in foot pain compared to those treated with traditional medications.
Another recent study proved that acupuncture is an effective form of relief for plantar heel pain.
Both studies concurred that acupuncture was more successful in improving the condition over a regime of non-steroidal, anti-inflamatory medications.
Sarah Fruetel perform acupuncture during Open House
If you are faced with this condition my advise is try acupuncture first before you try that steroid shot in your foot.

Back and Bodyworks Voted #1 for Massage in Kansas City’s Northland now offers Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine by Sarah Fruetel.  Sarah is also an herbalist.
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