Have You Ever Taken 12 Hydrocodone A Day? Kansas City Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine and Pain

I had a middle aged woman come to me with pain from a car wreck she had been in and neuropathy in her legs.

We'll call her Lauren to protect the innocent and not make any HIPPA violations.

Lauren was driving a little convertible sports car and blew out a tire.  She lost control of the car and held on for all she was worth.  The car rolled two and a half times.  Lauren still feels lucky to even be able to come to me for acupuncture.

Over the past two years since the car accident she has frequented Chiropractors and Pain Clinics, had back surgery and nothing has completely been able to help her.  She suffered from pain on a daily basis.  On a scale of 1-10, ten being the highest, Lauren told me her daily pain was 12.

Consequently through the pain management clinic, in addition to her normal medication, Lauren was taking TWELVE Hydrocodone per day.

My heart went out to her when I heard about this during her consultation.

We began seeing each other on a weekly basis for initially 4 weeks.  This week I'm very pleased to get the news from Lauren that she is not taking any Hydrocodone at all.

People in pain are consuming pain medication at an alarming rate.  Living through chemistry is not the way when there are alternative treatments that can help you.

I'm not saying Acupuncture is Magic.  I'm not saying you will respond the way Lauren has.  What I am saying is open your eyes to other available options before turning to the drugs.

I'll keep you updated on other patients I treat here at Kansas City Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine to give you great examples of how acupuncture can enhance your life.

Until Next Time....


  1. What a great story. I am so happy that she found you and that you were able to give her relief from the pain. If only everyone would give alternative medicine a try, instead of depending on drugs, we'd all be better off.

    Suzanne Long

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