What Is Acupuncture ?
Acupuncture is an effective form of medical treatment that has evolved into a complete holistic health care system. Practitioners of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have used this noninvasive treatment method to help millions of people become well and stay well.Acupuncture promotes hatural healing. It can enhance recuperative power and immunity, support physical and emotional health, and improve overall function and well being. It is safe, painless and effective way to treat a wide variety of medical conditions.
What is Qi? (pronounced "chee")
At the core of this ancient medicine is the philosophy that Qi, the vital energy, flows throughout the body. Qi animates the body and protects it from illness, pain and disease. A person's health is influenced by the quality, quantity and balance of Qi.How does Qi move?
Qi flows through specific pathways called meridians. There are fourteen main meridians inside the body. Each of these is connected to specific organs and glands.Sarah Fruetel giving a demonstration on Acupuncture |
How is Qi disrupted?
An obstruction to the flow of Qi is like a dam. When Qi becomes backed up in one part of the body, the flow becomes restricted in other parts. This blockage of the flow of Qi can be detrimental to a person's health, cutting off vital nourishment to the body, organs and glands.Chinese Herbal Medicine |
Normally, when a blockage or imbalance occurs, the body easily bounces back, returning to a state of health and well being. However, when this disruption is prolonged or excessive, or if the body is in a weakened state, illness, pain or disease can set it.
If you are interested in a free consultation to determine if you are a candidate for acupuncture please call me at 816-420-8800. We are here to serve you in Kansas City with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.
Thanks for share this kansas city acupuncture post it's a very effective and relief full therapy.
ReplyDeleteAcupuncture Treatment is the process which functions in a way to treat the severe pain in different parts of the body by inserting thin sterilized needles at a specific depth inside the skin.
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