Menopause With Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Menopause in a natural thing all women face.  It can have many symptoms: insomnia, mood swings, hot flashes, grouchiness.  And the frustrating thing is you never know how long it will last.  A lot of women refuse to take hormone therapy these days and prefer to find a natural way of dealing with it.

The following is a link to a great article about menopause, acupuncture and chinese medicine.

Here at Kansas City Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine we encourage more natural ways of healing vs. more medication with all it's side effects.

If you would like to explore the possibility of acupuncture, please feel free to call my office and set up a consultation.

Until Next Time.....



  1. Herbs and Acupunture can be very helpful for menopause... Thanks for the Great post... I used both...

  2. Thankfully menopause was very kind to me ... it snuck in while I wasn't looking and didn't make much of a fuss. But I can just imagine how powerful acupuncture and the right herbs can be, by bringing relief to the symptoms without adding new ones that often come with allopathic meds!

  3. My mom has been sick for a really long time and she has gone to tons of doctors, but she went to an acupuncturist in leawood ks and its one of the few things that actually makes her feel well. Great blog!

  4. Acupuncture is very useful method for treatment. I cure many disease. As you post. I have read lots of article and post before and your one of the best post. acupuncture kansas city

  5. Excellent post. Acupuncture and herbal medicines rebalance the ‘chi we’ protection and strengthens the healing energy of the lung meridian. This helps the immune system to effectively fight off infection and maintain a healthy, strong body. Source: Hormone Imbalance


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